To order the card below, please click on the PayPal button below the sample card to submit your payment of $100.00 or €80.00 and send your information to:
Abdoulaye Barry at this email windenjangen@windenjangen.org
Ali Jallow at: aliherico@yahoo.com
Please include your name and your picture in the email.
Pour commander la carte de membre, veuillez cliquer le bouton PayPal pour soumettre votre paiement de $100.00 or €80.00 et vos informations avec votre photo à l'une des adresses email indiquées ici:
Abdoulaye Barry at this email windenjangen@windenjangen.org
Ali Jallow at: aliherico@yahoo.com
Copyright 2012 Winden Jangen ADLaM. All rights reserved.